Sep 19Liked by Trenton Hayes

Hey t! This is great. It sent me down some rabbit holes of history, which is fun (i.e., https://www.britannica.com/event/dancing-plague-of-1518), particularly because I did think at least a few witches were burned at the stake. And they were, but not in Salem, as you described. I appreciate your discussion on moral injury, which apparently escaped Judge Sloughton.

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Some people are just never going to have the moral character to reflect and evolve.

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Nope. There have been other guys, like Robert McNamara that at least looked back and winced a little. Screwing something up royally happens from time to time; I would say many if not most of us might really mess things up somewhere. The question is, do you learn from it? Do you see where you might have screwed up? If Sloughton did any of that, he kept it very much to himself. Which is why I love the doctrine of Purgatory. Its like summer school for idiots that eff up life--most of us need some of it, but some idiots need a loooooot. See you soon I hope!

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